If you are building frontend application, Sometimes you need to track the user actions for debugging or performance improvement or for A/B testing. What are the important actions essential for these use cases

  1. click
  2. URL change
  3. API calls
  4. input change event
How to do this ?
  1. Storing this tracking data in sessionStorage is a good idea since it won't share with other tabs.
  2. If user performs above actions, then store those info in  sessionStorage as array of actions with time
Here is the code snippet

const generateXPathWithNearestParentId = element => {
let path = '';
let nearestParentId = null;

// Check if the current element's has an ID
if (element.id) {
nearestParentId = element.id;

while (!nearestParentId && element !== document.body) {
const tagName = element.tagName.toLowerCase();
let index = 1;
let sibling = element.previousElementSibling;

while (sibling) {
if (sibling.tagName.toLowerCase() === tagName) {
index += 1;
sibling = sibling.previousElementSibling;

if (index === 1) {
path = `/${tagName}${path}`;
} else {
path = `/${tagName}[${index}]${path}`;

// Check if the current element's parent has an ID
if (element.parentElement.id) {
nearestParentId = element.parentElement.id;
break; // Stop searching when we find the nearest parent with an ID

element = element.parentElement;
if (nearestParentId) {
path = `//*[@id='${nearestParentId}']${path}`;
return path;
return path; // No parent with an ID found

const handleClick = event => {
const tracks = JSON.parse(
sessionStorage.getItem('tracks') || '[]'
const target = generateXPathWithNearestParentId(event.target);
const track = {
type: 'click',
time: new Date(),
sessionStorage.setItem('tracks', JSON.stringify(tracks));

const handleChange = event => {
const tracks = JSON.parse(
sessionStorage.getItem('tracks') || '[]'
const prevCommand =
tracks && tracks.length ? tracks[tracks.length - 1] : null;
const target = generateXPathWithNearestParentId(event.target);
const track = {
type: 'change',
value: event.target.value,
time: new Date(),
if (
prevCommand &&
prevCommand.type === 'change' &&
prevCommand.target === target
) {
sessionStorage.setItem('tracks', JSON.stringify(tracks));

const handleDocumentLoad = () => {
let oldHref = document.location.href;
const body = document.querySelector('body');
const observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => {
if (oldHref !== document.location.href) {
oldHref = document.location.href;
const tracks = JSON.parse(
sessionStorage.getItem('tracks') || '[]'
const track = {
type: 'url',
value: oldHref,
time: new Date(),
sessionStorage.setItem('tracks', JSON.stringify(tracks));
observer.observe(body, { childList: true, subtree: true });
document.addEventListener('click', handleClick);
document.addEventListener('input', handleChange);
window.onload = handleDocumentLoad;

1 comment:

  1. Incredible insights on tracking user actions using JavaScript! The article provides a comprehensive guide, making it easy for developers to enhance user experience and analyze behavior. A game-changer for web development! JavaScript



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